Etienne and Marko: Galactic Federation, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

Etienne and Marko - Galactic Federations, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

Marko is a soul created from the source. He is one of the 50th oldest souls in the universe. He has incarnated first time as patriarch of Andromeda. He has two lifetimes as an Orion military lieutenant. He had fire bending abilities on Orion. He will be talking today about Anlepledeia Federation, and will be talking about ascension of this planet, the 12 dimensions of reality. Because this planet is shifting after 2025 as we will be going 5D. We also Etienne Charland who will be speaking about these topics as well as dimensions of consciousness, federation reality vs […]

Etienne and Marko

See more about this here: Etienne and Marko – Galactic Federations, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

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