Forced & Faked Alien “Abductions” Were Conducted by the CIA According to Renowned Researcher

Forced & Faked Alien “Abductions” Were Conducted by the CIA According to Renowned Researcher

Click the original article link here >>> Forced & Faked Alien “Abductions” Were Conducted by the CIA According to Renowned Researcher

( Derek Knauss ) Throughout history, the field of ufology and the examination of the extraterrestrial hypothesis has, without a doubt, been overcome with a plethora of disinformation. Those who have dived into the depths of ufology know this best, as it’s well documented that ‘outsiders’ from intelligence agencies and governments have infiltrated the field for the purposes of deceiving researchers and people who are interested in the topic for one simple reason, to keep them away from the truth. On top of these disinformation campaigns, which still seem to be in operation today, there has long been an […]

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