The Reality of Organic Portals / NPCs / Soulless Humans

Click the original article link here >>> The Reality of Organic Portals / NPCs / Soulless Humans

There are different types of humans on the planet, and many are actually part of a collective or group soul, running software. They are essentially running a program that is a predecessor to the fully individuated consciousness of the Primes, or individual souls here in this time matrix. They have been referred to as “pre-adamic man” and have been written about for centuries. This is not a matter of superiority, it’s more like soul age and evolution over time, so please consider this idea in it’s entirety before engaging in an emotional response. For more detailed information, please read Organic Portals – Soulless Humans by Bernhard Guenther at Link Below.… #OrganicPortals #NPC #LooshFarm

Joe Fortin

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