Category Archives: Law | Policy | Justice

Upcoming Pause to USA Government in 2024 – Michelle Fielding

Possible chain of events leading to a transitional new form of government in the USA. Various undisclosed circumstances will likely cause the November 2024 USA election to be postponed or cancelled.

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FDA Forced to Remove Anti-Ivermectin Posts Claiming It’s Horse Medicine

“In a major win for doctors fighting back against the government, the FDA agreed to remove both the social media posts and government webpages urging Americans to not take ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.”

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Comment on Groundbreaking Data Center Project Dubbed “Stargate”

Microsoft and OpenAI are reportedly sketching out a groundbreaking data center project. Dubbed “Stargate,” this initiative is poised to become a cornerstone in the architecture of future AI capabilities, entailing an investment that could soar to a staggering $100 billion.

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Documentary: Psyop The Steal

“Millie Weaver (Aka Millennial Millie) details the unfolding of a pre-planned psyop to steal the election by flipping the narrative of ‘stolen election’ to ‘insurrection’ in this powerful documentary, ‘Psyop The Steal.'”

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Queen Beatrix Quits, the Rockefellers Flee, the Bushes Are Rats in a Trap; Queen Elizabeth, the Pope and the Rothschilds Are Still Standing – Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford — August 10th 2020: UFO Disclosure shows Elite Planning to follow up on Fake Pandemic with Fake Alien Invasion

The announcement last week that Queen “Bilderberg” Beatrix of the Netherlands was abdicating the throne is but a visible sign of some fundamental changes in the secret power structure of the West. In a yet to be publicly confirmed move, David and J. Rockefeller have fled to an Island near Fiji, according to a CIA source. The Bush family, for its part, tried to flee via an airport in Arkansas but were prevented from doing so by the FBI, the same source says.

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Blackmail System Used to Corrupt and Control Politicians

“Blackmail is allegedly a serious problem in Washington, and elected officials are being baited into compromising situations that are then used to influence them. This is according to claims coming out of Washington. These claims also echo concerns raised over the use of honey traps by regimes like the CCP, and from others.”

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Map of Deep State Traitors & Alliances

“Policing the Truth community isn’t a pretty job, but somebody has to do it! D.S.M.P. and the New Templars have answered the calling. The “Traitors and Alliances” Map is the result of over 5 years of research into World Affairs and the Disclosure Community; Digging to understand who works for who, and where hierarchical business relationships exist. Are journalists who claim to be “independent” really independent?”

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Actionable Intelligence on Child Torture Centers Received From High Level US Government Official – Benjamin Fulford

A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere.

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Excellent Source for Taiwan History: Formosa Files

The history of Taiwan (1600 C.E. – 2000) told through interesting stories in a non-chronological order. John Ross is an author and publisher of works on Taiwan and China, while Eryk Michael Smith has worked as a writer and journalist for several media outlets in Taiwan. Both hosts have lived in Taiwan for well over 20 years and call the island home.

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