Tag Archives: Solar System

The Liberation of Ceres


“The Dark fleet has Ceres as its main outpost in the solar system, Thor Han, confirmed it. It was a Gray outpost, a nebu orion outpost in this solar system and since the 1940s it has been offered to the Dark Fleet as a shared residence. There’s a lot of water on Ceres surprisingly and they work together. Ceres, it’s a planetoid in the asteroid belt. But the big headquarters of the dark fleet are on in the Aldebaran system, and the Aldebaran headquarters have just abandoned the ones here because as Thor Han told me, it is in their mentality to cut an infected limb.”

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Mysterious Dwarf Planet Ceres May Have Originated in Outer Regions of Solar System


“Other details that distinguish the enigmatic celestial body from asteroids in the belt is a mixture of water ice and minerals bound with water such as clay and carbonates, as well as Ceres’ mantle, which is rich in water. “

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Why Is Our Solar System Flat?

“But one trick you can use on your own is to scan along the ecliptic. This is a line in the sky that arcs from one spot on the horizon to another, basically following the path that the sun travels from where it rises to where it sets. The cool thing is that the planets (and the moon!) also appear along this same line.”

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Update: Galactic Federation Assistance & Solar System – Michael Salla (Page Loads Slowly)

Elena Danaan gives a comprehensive update on ongoing “Galactic Federation of Worlds” intervention on the Earth, Moon, Mars, Phobos and recent diplomatic meetings on Jupiter, which handed over responsibility of the solar system to a consortium of space faring nations making up the Artemis Accords.

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Paranoid asteroid: FIVE more space rocks headed towards Earth, highlighting need for planetary defense initiatives

Paranoid asteroid: FIVE more space rocks headed towards Earth, highlighting need for planetary defense initiatives

NASA’s planetary defense network is warning of yet another barrage of five asteroids due to enter Earth’s backyard this week, in the latest test of our early-warning systems and preparedness in the face of space-based threats. The opening salvo will consist of two asteroids, 2013 XA22 and 2020 KZ3, measuring 310 feet and 64 feet, which will pass Earth at

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