
A Brief Overview of Zero-Point Energy (ZPE)

Experiments show that there is a real possibility that zero-point energy can be harvested to produce electrical power. Zero-point energy is the result of quantum fluctuations in materials and in the vacuum itself. This video describes how the energy is harvested, the practical and scientific implications of this, and what the reaction of the scientific community has been so far.

Unlocking Zero-Point Energy (ZPE) – Garret Moddel

Experiments show that there is a real possibility that zero-point energy can be harvested to produce electrical power. Zero-point energy is the result of quantum fluctuations in materials and in the vacuum itself. This video describes how the energy is harvested, the practical and scientific implications of this, and what the reaction of the scientific community has been so far.

Einstein Challenged: Exploring the “Cosmic Glitch” in Gravity

For the last 100 years, physicists have relied upon Albert Einstein’s theory of “general relativity” to explain how gravity works throughout the universe. General relativity, proven accurate by countless tests and observations, suggests that gravity impacts not simply three physical dimensions but also a fourth dimension: time.

Golden Retriever Throws Temper Tantrums When He Doesn’t Get His Way

“A compilation of funny videos shows a young pup throwing temper tantrums at his owner whenever he can’t get his way. Charlie, a 9-month-old golden retriever is seen stomping his feet and twisting his head in protest. Owner Lauren Lieberman, 32, said Charlie does this all the time, and it’s the way he communicates.”

Hidden Ancient Knowledge: The Most Divine Place in the World!

The concept of Shambhala plays a significant role in Tibetan religious teachings and is considered a spiritual realm that is accessible to the pure heart and those who are on the path of enlightenment. The idea also symbolizes the inner quest for spiritual perfection, suggesting that Shambhala is not just a physical place but can also be a state of mind or inner peace that individuals strive to attain.”

The Quantum Law: When You Understand This, Reality Transforms

The Quantum Law is an enthralling principle that suggests our focused attention can alter the very fabric of reality. This video delves into how the underlying mechanisms of quantum physics can be applied to our everyday lives, offering a compelling guide on controlling and transforming your personal universe.

Award-Winning filmmaker on a Quest to Prepare Humanity for ET Contact

“Craig Campobasso is an award-winning filmmaker and casting director who has had multiple experiences with extraterrestrials who have encouraged him to write books and make films preparing humanity for full disclosure. He has worked with famous Hollywood producers such as Dino De Laurentis and David Lynch, and actors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Campobasso met with legendary extraterrestrial contact Frank Stranges, who in the 1960s revealed the stunning story of Valiant Thor, a Venusian extraterrestrial…”

George Adamski Photos & Videos of UFOs are the Best Evidence of ET Contact – Dr. Michael Salla

George Adamski became famous in the 1950s with startling photos and videos of flying saucer and cigar-shaped spacecraft he began taking in the 1940s, which he claimed were piloted by human-looking extraterrestrial visitors. He learned from face-to-face contact experiences that the extraterrestrials had secretly embedded themselves in human society to help humanity learn about galactic life.

Investigative Filmmaker Discusses UFOs, Underground Bases, SSP’s & Non-Human Intelligence – Dr. Michael Salla

Darcy Weir is an investigative filmmaker who has been creating documentaries on UFO/USOs, secret space programs, underground bases, and Sasquatch since 2012. His first documentary focused on Phil Schneider’s groundbreaking revelations about an underground base at Dulce, New Mexico, where an alleged firefight with aliens took place in 1979 testimonials.

Dolores Cannon – Founder of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Dolores Cannon (1931–2014) was a remarkable figure whose work transcended conventional boundaries. As a hypnotherapist, author, and researcher, she delved into the mysteries of consciousness, past lives, and alternative realities. In this detailed overview, we’ll explore her life, contributions, controversies, and lasting impact.

The US NAVY Is Mobilizing After This Appeared In The Grand Canyon!

Even the most seasoned Grand Canyon tourists haven’t experienced everything this incredible national park has to offer; words just cannot express how magnificent the Grand Canyon is. The majority of tourists have not yet discovered the innermost mysteries of the Grand Canyon, and the famous vista from the South Rim overlook is only the tip of the iceberg.

“The Principles of Math Are Not Founded on Truth” – Actor Terence Howard

SNN Editor Comment: Actor Terence Howard has us question everything we were taught. The seemingly preposterous statements he makes here actually make sense from the quantum superposition perspective – where more than one solution to a problem can be valid. So, he’s actually prompting us to think about all this from a different new perspective that will keep showing up again and again in our collective experience and consciousness, whether we understand it or not.

Nordics ETs Training International Military Pilots to Fly Spacecraft – Michael Salla

On April 15, 2024, JP traveled to an underground spaceport somewhere in Alabama that appeared very similar or the same as one he visited in May 2023. He again saw fleets of saucer shaped spacecraft being piloted by human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials that were identical to ones he witnessed and photographed in 2018 while living in Orlando, Florida.

The Future of Flight: Antigravity as a Soon-to-Be Reality

The concept of antigravity, a staple in science fiction narratives and a subject of intrigue in real-world physics, hinges on a comprehensive grasp of gravity’s operations and its interplay with other fundamental theories[1]. Despite its prominent depiction in tales of space travel and futuristic technologies, antigravity remains a hypothetical notion, elusive under the current paradigms of physics that dictate the functioning of our universe.

Alien Clues from Tucker Carlson

UFO’s under water? An Alien civilization underwater? Are the aliens spiritual and or supernatural? these are questions that we discuss on this video with Tucker Carlson on the Joe Rogan podcast. We also look at the strange anomaly that accrued on the 4th o f march in the ocean near Africa. A large object the size of Texas moving in the water but then disapears

Nazi Germany Used a Global Network of Tunnels to Create a 4th Reich with Flying Saucers – Michael Salla

“In the early 1940s, Nazi Germany discovered a network of ancient tunnels around the world, where it began to develop a breakaway civilization (aka 4th Reich) with flying saucer and other advanced aerospace technologies. According to Dr. Anton Anfalov, the Nazis were helped by Inner Earth beings belonging to what he describes as the Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization (SUSTENC).”

Scientists Uncover Surprising Reversal in Quantum Systems

“Researchers have demonstrated how topological effects in an artificially constructed solid can be manipulated using magnetic fields to switch particle interactions on or off, potentially paving the way for advances in quantum technologies. Their experiments, which involved topological pumping in systems of cold fermionic potassium atoms trapped in laser-created lattices, showed that these systems can robustly transport particles in predictable directions, even when encountering barriers that reverse their movement.”

Rediscovering Mu: Insights into the Mythical Lost Continent

The myth of the lost continent of Mu, intertwined with tales of Atlantis, was first introduced by Augustus Le Plongeon, drawing comparisons between the “Land of Mu” and the legendary Atlantis. Notably, Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg and James Churchward further fueled the fascination with Mu, Churchward notably promoting it as a substitute for the once-theorized continent of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean.

The Enigma of Atlantis: A Deep Dive into its Mysterious Legend

The enigma of Atlantis, first introduced by Plato, captures the imagination with its depiction of a utopian civilization marked by great naval power and moral decay, ultimately leading to its downfall and disappearance beneath the waves. Situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules, this legendary island was said to be larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined, suggesting a grandeur that has fueled countless explorations and theories about its existence and location.

The Science Behind Electroculture Gardening: Does It Really Work?

Electroculture gardening, a method that employs electric fields to enhance plant growth, stands as a testament to innovation in food production and organic gardening. With its roots tracing back to the 18th century, this technique has evolved, showcasing a significant impact on crop yields and presenting a sustainable solution to modern agriculture challenges.

The Legend of Lemuria: Insights into the Mysterious Lost Continent

The concept of Lemuria, a hypothesized continent, has captivated imaginations since the 19th century, originating from a theory by zoologist Philip Sclater to explain the distribution of lemur fossils. Named after mythological Roman ghosts, “lemures,” its origins tie deeply with ancient Rome and the mystery surrounding the lost continent.

Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, and Space are 3 Tech areas to Watch in 2024 – Forbes

Every new year creates a new opportunity for optimism and predictions. In the past couple of years, emerging technology has permeated almost all areas of our lives. There is much to explore! In this article, I focus on three evolving technology areas that are already impacting our future but are only at the early stages of true potential: artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and space systems.

The Battle for UFO Truth (FULL MOVIE) – Michael Corleone

The recent release of documents related to a proposed UAP-related program within Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was hardly a gesture toward transparency by AARO. In this unscheduled, unexpected episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George review the true history of the proposed Kona Blue program, what it could have accomplished, and how AARO’s former boss has blatantly misled the public about whistleblower testimony allegedly related to Kona Blue.

Our Alien Overlords | How We Secretly Serve The Tall Whites

“Charles Hall, a former weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base, shares his incredible story of encountering the Tall Whites, an extraterrestrial species working with the US military. These chalk-white aliens, standing up to 9 feet tall, have been influencing human technology and evolution for decades. Charles’s friendship with a Tall White known as “The Teacher” led him to…”

Documents on Pentagon’s UFO Reverse-Engineering Program

Declassified documents released by the Pentagon office charged with investigating unidentified anomalous phenomena reveal the existence of a program to reverse engineer alien technology. NewsNation’s Ross Coulthart joins “Morning in America” to preview his latest “Reality Check” podcast episode, in which he answers questions regarding the released documents on the Kona Blue program.

Shanghai’s Historical Milestones: From Fishing Village to Global Metropolis

Shanghai’s transformation from a collection of farming huts and fishing villages into China’s largest commercial and industrial city illustrates a remarkable journey of growth and development[1]. This metropolis, positioned strategically along the muddy shores of the Huangpu River, now stands as a testament to China’s rapid evolution into a global powerhouse

How Taiwan Can Grow Its Aging Population

“With an aging population and the world’s lowest birth rate, Taiwan is grappling with a demographic imbalance that threatens its economic vitality. Join us as we explore why revamping immigration regulations to attract international talent is crucial now. To delve deep into this issue, we talk with David Chang, who has been championing more inclusion for international citizens in Taiwan. Find out why he thinks Taiwan also needs to ease the regulations for dual citizenship.”

Unveiling the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)

Ex-Navy submarine crew member and former military field operative Gene Decode, a prominent figure in the truther community, has made extensive claims about the existence and functions of Deep Underground Military Bases, or DUMBs. According to Decode, these bases form a comprehensive global network of tunnels and facilities spanning the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Exopolitics: The New Frontier of Politics for Interstellar Affairs

Exopolitics delves into the governmental policies regarding extraterrestrial beings and phenomena, derived from the Greek words ‘exo’, meaning outside, and ‘politeika’, meaning political affairs [1]. This field encourages an open dialogue on extraterrestrial life, advocating for transparency and fostering a global understanding of humanity’s place in the cosmos.

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