Tag Archives: Nuclear

Helium-3 Mined from the Moon: Could It Be Earth’s Next Energy Solution?

The Moon harbors significant quantities of Helium-3, a promising isotope that could revolutionize nuclear energy through fusion reactors, offering a cleaner, safer power source. This light, non-radioactive element’s potential for safer nuclear energy has sparked interest in lunar Helium-3 mining, with countries like India and companies like Shackleton Energy Company at the forefront.

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AI Solves Nuclear Fusion Puzzle for Near-Limitless Clean Energy

“Scientists have used artificial intelligence to overcome a huge challenge for producing near-limitless clean energy with nuclear fusion. A team from Princeton University in the US figured out a way to use an AI model to predict and prevent instabilities with plasma during fusion reactions. Nuclear fusion has been hailed as the “holy grail” of clean energy for its potential to produce vast amounts of energy without requiring any fossil fuels or leaving behind any hazardous waste.”

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The Antarctic and Off-World German Breakaway Colonies – An Overview

“In February 2024 I discovered the Secret Space Program-testimonies by Jason Rice (1-3). I was quite impressed with the rather detailed timeline he provided regarding the history of what he calls the Antarctic Germans. This article shares that information about the early days of the Nachtwaffen/Dark Fleet from the 1930s to the 1990s. “

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A Fusion Reaction Generated Twice the Energy It Used for the First Time Ever. Game On.

“National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved “ignition” in December of 2022. This means that for the first time ever, scientists were able to create a fusion reaction that produced more energy than was used to create the reaction in the first place.”

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First Nuclear Plasma Control with Digital Twin

“Nuclear fusion is a great idea, in principle. In principle, it could solve the energy worries of the world beautifully. The problem is that whenever we’ve tried, getting nuclear fusion to work takes up more energy than it creates. But a team from Japan and the United States just got us a bit closer to our dream of clean energy.”

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Patent Published for ‘Shoebox-Size’ Fusion Device: Power for US Navy’s New Antigravity Spacecraft?

Technology uses heavy hydrogen gas easily extracted from the ocean water to produce a surplus of energy upwards of the order of 1018 – enough to power a sizable city, or the US Navy’s existing antigravity spacecraft .

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Trump Signs Space Policy Directive-6 on Space Nuclear Power & Propulsion

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday (Dec. 16) issued Space Policy Directive-6 (SPD-6), which lays out a national strategy for the responsible and effective use of space nuclear power and propulsion (SNPP) systems.

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