Tag Archives: Orion

Some Correction on the Perception of the Orion Races

Compact System of Super-Earths Found around Lacaille 9352

Okay, this is written in response to what seems to be a prevalent perceptions (based on rumor among those who study this) about the Orion races, of course located in the vicinity of the Orion constellation.

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Earth Ascension & Intergalactic Cooperative Update 2020-07-16

During the interim since the above last Major Intergalactic Cooperative Projects report published in May 2020 (with information relayed by Lisa F, a human involved in Earth’s liberation) several other reports have issued. The new reports below from Lisa are preceded by reports from Star Nations News℠ Editor John Helios, including contacts from new ET races that have come to Earth and made themselves known.

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Etienne and Marko: Galactic Federation, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

Etienne and Marko - Galactic Federations, Skynet, Skyranet, and Timeline Shifts

Marko is a soul created from the source. He is one of the 50th oldest souls in the universe. He has incarnated first time as patriarch of Andromeda. He has two lifetimes as an Orion military lieutenant. He had fire bending abilities on Orion. He will be talking today about Anlepledeia Federation, and will be talking about ascension of this

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Breaking Info: Secret Archive Under Great Sphinx & Pyramid Resurrection Machine, Dr Manu Seyfzadeh

Breaking Info, Secret Archive Under Great Sphinx & Pyramid Resurrection Machine, Dr Manu Seyfzadeh

MANU SEYFZADEH is of German & Persian Descent. He grew up in Germany and Iran during his early years and emigrated to the United States at age 20 to study Medicine. After four years of premedical college education and eight years of medical and science training at the University of California, Irvine, he earned his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees and

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Toward a brighter future: Continuity of the Artemis program

Toward a brighter future: Continuity of the Artemis program

The Orion spacecraft built for the Artemis 1 mission after the completion of environmental testing at NASA’s Plum Brook Station in Ohio in March. (credit: NASA/Marvin Smith) Comments (16) As we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, overcoming the immediate crisis is the top priority. Recovery will require thoughtful planning,

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